When do I need to ship my student's artwork for the show?

When do I need to ship my student's artwork for the show?


Please do not ship your artwork to us prior to receiving the UPS QuantumShip email containing your shipping label. If your show is less than 2 weeks from the Virtual Art Show Start Date or, you need additional shipping labels, please contact your coordinator.
  1. You will receive an email containing your return shipping label from UPS Quantum Ship about a week before your ship by date. 
  2. Artwork must be shipped by your Ship by Date or 2 weeks before your Art Show starts.
    (either the On-site Art Show Date or Virtual art Show Start Date, whichever comes first).

  3. Please make sure all artwork is completely dried, filled out, and organized before packing.
  4. Communication is essential! Please inform your coordinator as soon as possible if there are any complications.
  5. Any artwork received unorganized and/or information not filled out is a breach of the Agreement and could incur extra fees.   


Please contact your Art Show Coordinator for an additional return label. We suggest shipping organized artwork in one large box but if you need two or more we can send you additional labels.


Your return label will be sent by e-mail about a week before your Ship by Date. Prior to shipping your artwork to us, your student’s artwork needs to be completed, all template information filled out and all the artwork must be organized in the order you want it to be arranged during your Art Show.


When Will I Receive Returning Artwork and School Pick-Up Frame Orders?

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