What Materials CAN and CANNOT Be Used?
We encourage creativity and we love seeing various materials utilized
in your projects however, the following mediums are either prohibited or heavily discouraged for the following reasons:
- They are generally messy.
- They can ruin other students' artwork.
- They scratch frames, Plexi, and mat boards.
- They don't fit under a frame.
- They do not reproduce well.
Materials we DO NOT RECOMMEND or have specific rules for their use:
NO Feathers
The quills damage the plexiglass when framed.
They fall off very easily….no matter how much glue is used.
NO Glitter
- Loose glitter gets absolutely everywhere.
- It scratches our plexiglass and transfers to other students’ projects.
- If a student’s project containing glitter needs a reproduction, the copy will have spots of glare.
- Please. Please. Pretty Please. DO NOT USE GLITTER!
- Make sure any collage or multimedia work is no thicker than 1/8th of an inch off the page.
- Please use fixative on any medium that smears or smudges and put paper between the projects when packing your box.
- Anything reflective will not scan properly or reproduce desirably.
Laminate/ Plastic Transparencies/ Acetate Sheets
If a student’s project needs a reproduction or to be scanned for the virtual show, the copy will be obscured with glare on top of the image.
Aluminum Relief
This project creates colored streaks on the reproduction or glare when scanned.
Mod Podge coating / Sealant / Glossy Photos:
The entire image is lighter than the original with glare in a few spots.
Chalk or Oil Pastel / Charcoal - MUST BE FIXED
Any projects that are not fixed with hairspray or fixative will ruin other students’ artwork or be ruined themselves.
Now for materials that CAN BE USED!
Any kind of mat (nonreflective) paper thinner than 1/8 Inch
That's pretty much most of it.
- Construction Paper
- Kraft Paper
- Tissue Paper
- News Paper
- Printer Paper
- Watercolor Paper
- Vellum
- Bristol
- Illustration Board
- Black Drawing Cartridge
- Canson Mi-Teintes paper
- Assorted Textured Papers
- Tracing Paper
- Canvas paper
- Wall Paper
- Scrapbook Paper
- Artomé Art Paper!
- Tempera Paint
- Acrylic Paint
- Water Colors
- Color Pencils
- Pens, Fountain and Gel
- Pencil
- Crayons
- Markers
- Inks
- Conté (May require Fixative)
- Gouache
- Graphite
- Pixels (Why not Digital?)
- Mat Photos and Magazine Pages
- News Papers
- Other Papers!
- Single-layer of Popsicle sticks (Still on the fence)
- Coffee and Tea
- Wax Resist
- Felt
- Yarn
- Fabric
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