What Happens After My Art Show?

What Happens After My Art Show?



UPDATE: We no longer accept post-show sales, as all purchases should be made from the Virtual Art Show's website while the virtual show is running for 1-2 weeks. When the VAS ends, the window for sales has closed, however, parents may continue to purchase blank frames from your School's Art Show website. If an original artwork frame was not purchased during the show or, a parent had issues paying for a frame they took home, they can pay with the blank frame option on your Art Show Website at any time. 
For Art Shows without a virtual platform, the Post Show sale is another opportunity for parents to purchase their student’s framed artwork after the On-site Art Show is over and broken down. Generally, it's for parents who were unable to make it to the show or had a second thought on purchasing a frame.

The day after the show, your coordinator will send you an email containing a Post Show Sale Form, that you can submit through the email link on the day after your Post Show Sale is over (typically a week after your show date). We will pull those students’ artwork from the unsold group, frame it, and ship it back to your school with all the unsold artwork and any reproductions.

The only difference is the price; we will charge you $22 per frame. Essentially we are re-framing and shipping it back to you so we have to compensate for the shipping and handling costs.  Just inform your Coordinator as to when you want your Post Show End Date to be and what amount you want to charge for your Post Show Sales.

Please complete the required information for each student in the Post Show Sale Form and submit it to Artomé so that we can re-frame the Artwork and ship it to you in a timely manner.

An additional invoice for Post Show Sales will be sent separately as soon as we ship back your artwork and Post Show frames.


We try to ship back artwork and/ or Post Show orders within 10 days after the Art Show completion (or Post Show Sale Forms have been submitted). Any Framed Reproduction orders or “Ship to School” orders from a Virtual or Hybrid Art Show will be shipped with the returning artwork within the same 10-day window after the show completion.
During the busy spring season, it may take longer; please be patient with us!


An additional invoice for Post Show Sales will be sent separately as soon as we ship your artwork and Post Show frames.

Send finance-related questions to questions to our Controller Tammy Shephard via e-mail tshephard@artome.com or billing@artome.com.


Commission checks are issued and mailed the 15th day of the month following the Virtual/ Hybrid Art Show completion. (i.e. If the Art Show closes on September 10th, the check will be mailed by October 15th.)

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